Monday 10 June 2013

Introduction of Ministry Of Health


According to the World Health Organization, health is referred to as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is an issue concerning individuals of all age groups. Individuals should not take their health issues lightly as each and everyone of us plays an important role in the development of the nation. The main determinants of health are mostly associated with a person's individual characteristics, behaviors, social, physical and economic environment.


Malaysia will become a nation composed of individuals, families and healthy communities through health system fair and equitable, efficient, able to made available and appropriate technology available, compatible and appropriate to the customer environment. This system will also satisfy the quality, innovation, health promotion, respect for human dignity and promote individual and community participation towards improving the quality of life.


The mission of the Ministry of Health is to lead and work in partnership:
·         To facilitate and support the people to:
             ·         attain fully their potential in health
             ·         appreciate health as a valuable asset
             ·         take individual responsibility and positive action for their health
·         To ensure a high quality health system that is:
             ·         customer centred
             ·         equitable
             ·         affordable
             ·         efficient
             ·         technologically appropriate
             ·         environmentally adaptable
             ·         innovative
·         With emphasis on:
            ·         professionalism, caring and teamwork value
            ·         respect for human dignity
            ·         community participation


  • Increased geographical and financial access
  • Better quality of care in all health facilities
  • Improved efficiency in the health sectors.
  • Closer collaboration and partnership between the health sector and communities, other health sectors and private providers both allopathic and traditional
  • Increased over all resources in the health sector equitably and efficiently distributed.
  • Bridged inequity gap in access to quality health service. In emphases on the four deprived region, Northern, Upper East, Upper West and Central regions.
  • Sustainable financing arrangements that protects the deprived and vulnerable.

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