Monday 10 June 2013

Our Proposals

Health Awareness Campaign

Programs included will be : -

1. Blood Donation (National Blood Bank)
2. Free CPR Course
3. Free Body Check (National Kidney Foundation)
    Includes: blood pressure check, body mass index (BMI) check, urine test, glucose test and consultation.
4. Bone Density Scan (Anlene)
5. Organ Donor Registration (Organ Transplant Resource Centre)
6. Learn to perform Breast Self Examination (BCWA)

Objectives : 
1.      To educate the public on the importance of keeping a healthy lifestyle
2.      To attempt to tackle issues of public health by raising awareness, especially about disease prevention and conditions prevalent locally
3.      To empower medical students with knowledge about public health issues, project management.

Target Group :-

Age range from 18- 60 

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